Monday, April 10, 2017

Learning Space

   Learning spaces have an impact on students learning. Flexible learning spaces invite students mind to be receptive to new information. When Students feel comfortable in the their classrooom, they interact with their teacher better and they pay attention to the learning instructions. Students like to rearrange their tables and chairs to take advantage of their learning spaces. Their learning spaces change periodically according to their gist.  Some students prefer to sit by the window  to read silently  while others form a circle with their chairs to discuss a story they have just read as a class. Flexible learning spaces give students the desire to learn either as a group, inddpendently or one -on-one learning with the teacher. According to the article titled " Designing the 21st Century  K-12 Classroom" desks and furniture support collaboration among students and teacher-students. In sum, students enjoy learning when allowed to rearrage their own learning spaces.

Learning is not  limited in the vicinity of the walls of the classroom. It has extended everywhere due to virtual learning. Google Apps for Education allow students to accesss school material any time, anyday of the week and from anywhere as long as there is a connection to the internet. Through the redesign of the education, the students use the virtual learning spaces to connect with their peer and collaborate by sharing google documents, working on the same document using google doc or communicating with the teacher through Gmail.  The article " How Learning Environment are Changing" mentioned that learning is not restricted only in schools, but learning happens at homes and the community as well.  The virtual learning GAFE is a 21st century learning space, cloud based collaborative application platform. It gives students a wealth of information related to their academic in a virtual controlled environment. 

As we design learning spaces for the future, The teacher should plan the virtual learning space as well as the physical learning space in the classroom. Designing the virtual learning space consists of the use of GAFE and other technologies that fit the students needs in their learning. The teacher should decide what learning devices that could be integrated in the learning process. Another challenge is the time dedicated to virtual learning compared to group learning  in the classroom. The latter requires rearranging classroom in groups for students to tackle problem based learning activities. In the article Trends in Learning Spaces Design, the author mentioned three main  trends for learning space design. The first one, the prospective teacher should design space based on learning principles that should be based on social learning. Second trend is the human  centered design which is based not only on finding information but knowing how to apply the acquired knowledge . The third trend is devices that enrich learning as mentioned above.

The University  of Akron's learning space design evolves as technology changes rapidly. The technology department added more computer stations in the first floor of Bierce library.  To accomodate students needs, they made available laptops to AU students other devices such as video cameras. Tech help desk assist AU students who have either computer software or hardware problems. Study rooms in the library are equipped with technologies that allow students to work collaboratively. Most classrooms have computerized projectors and are connected with AU wi-fi. In summary, The new building such as zook hall, art and science building are state of the art buildings because they are equipped with modern techonology that advance students learning. On the other hand, The old buildings wait their turn to be renovated, therefore installing new technology that will help students progress in their learning.

My academics needs are partially fullfilled. I still think that the main library needs more space, especially more study rooms because between 11 am and 5 pm, many students can't find a study room available unless they reserve it ahead of time. On the positive side, The tech help desk helped me several times with most of issues that I frequented dealing with new technology apps.

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