Saturday, April 8, 2017

Cool Tool Video Collage : Video Editor

Video Collage App(Android) is an application that combine videos and pictures to create a memorable experience.  Video Collage Editor Video frames could be mixed with audio such as music files to revive images and videos to tell a story.


The Video Collage Editor application occupy 28.74 MB memory in your Android. The reviews for this app were not promising. Few reviews complain about the length of the video is cut short to 15 seconds while others don't appreciate the adds tor adjusting the videos in the frame.
In spite off the mentioned reviews, I downloaded the Video Editor 3.2 for Android 4.1.  It is the latest version of this app. Video Collage Editor allows the user to choose from 50 available frames to make own videos. The user have complete control of his or her video by changing its size. In addition, one can add colors and patterns to the frames as well as adding effects to the photos. The latest version made modifications in picking images and made corrections in ads policy.

The challenge I found during the make of the video Collage is working with audio files on several platforms. The process of transferring audio files from windows to Android was a challenging one. Audio files worked on my Android phone but MP4 didn't work on  tablet.

The limitation of this video is the short time allowed to display the video collage. Students or their teacher will have hard time to convey their ideas in a fifteen seconds video. However, one can use more than one video in sequential order to get their point across.

As a prospective teacher, I will integrate the video collage presentations in my pedagogy of teaching along with the authentic teaching. Video Collage allows me to implement differentiated teaching instructions. Based on the interest of my students, I can select frames that will engage my students to learn math concepts. Students will be able to crate video measuring their favorite items. Boys who like football, can create videos measuring football field. Girls who collect dolls, can measure the height of their favorite doll. Learners can use videos about measurement to show other creative ways to measure an object or an area. Students will be able to share their presentation with other students. In this cas, The measurement concepts is accessible to students through video editor
This technology targets high levels of thinking. In  various activity type, Learners will " Consider", "Produce" and "create"  work that demonstrate math concept skill, learners will use either their comera to record their math activities, then display their work  using Video Collage. Students can also create their own tailored lesson and demonstrate various strategies regarding a specific learning target.

To access the following 15 seconds videos, Android platform is required.



video shows how to make video collage on windows

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