Open Education
An open and networked learning environment is defined by its relation to the culture, and the physical settings. An open minded learner doesn't restrict himself to a closed physical space such as the classroom (the traditional way of learning). One can access online information from everywhere. An open learner is a constructivist who tailor his learning according to his needs using several electronic resources online from various participatory cultures. The culture of a networked learning environment is determined by the social and emotional aspects that influence the open learning environment. the interaction between the digital learner with people who share the material in the networked learning environment. Another aspect of the culture of the learning environment is that digital learners acquire information and share knowledge to strengthen the learning community. However, lurkers and consumer culture do not contribute to the openness of the learning environment.
Nowadays, traditonal classrooms are student centered. There as usually computer stations in each classroom. Teachers ask their students to do their research information or participate in projects on line. They might work on problem based learning with other students in other schools. Therefore students share their ideas with their colleagues in a transparent learning environment.
On the other hand,Open access in schools remains restricted according to the classroom and the school guidelines. Through website filtering, certain schools do not allow students to use neither face book nor You tube. Schools guidelines prohibits the use of certain technology tools in the classroom such as cell phones. Donna Teuber explained in her article Open Access for Personalizing-learning, that giving too much freedom to use internet might cause some difficulties, however, it is advantageous to students' learning to have open access rather than not be allowed to be connected at all.
Speaking of the accessibility of the internet in the class room, one should wonder forecast the role of technology in an open classroom. Since schools establish rules that restrict the use of internet to avoid any future problems in the schools culture, it is foreseeable that learning should migrate from open access learning in a closed physical space (traditional classrooms) to all open learning environment without restrictions on the location. One can acquire knowledge in any place as long as he has open access to internet. However, the article The Future of Education by Tomas Frey, advice his readers to look at the past and see how our ancients created systems in the past that prevented them from forward. Frey said : " While it’s easy for us today to look at Roman numerals and say that it was a pretty stupid numbering system, it was just one of many inferior numbering systems in ancient times. But the feature that made Roman numerals so bad was the fact that each number lacked specific numeric positioning and was in fact an equation, and this extra layer of complexity prevented people from doing higher math - ". Frey stated that prediction culture about education sees teaching and learning will not be restricted on a one to one basis. One of the aspects of the future education is the transformation from teaching to learning. The focus will be on learning the material online anywhere and anytime. This analogy coincide with Wenger's concept of community practices or Cop's where in a community there should be no expert, all are equal.
As a generation Xer, I find my self obliged to adapt to the technology changes that happened since I had my first personal computer an intel 286 that runs in Dos 5 1/4 floppies, Similarly, nowadays, I either buy or rent E-books. It is a relief, I dont have to carry few books with me where ever I go. All my E-books are in one or two electronic devices. I see the migration from paperbook to digital book is taking its way at a rapid pace. Digital stores such as Amazon are thriving while the remaining physical book stores have to be creative to survive in this economy. With respect of textbooks, as it is seen in the chart below that college textbooks prices are increasing, their demand will decline as education migrate to open access learning education . In an article published in the Atlantis : The Death of Textbooks? , the author Bill Buxton explains how technology is reshaping the publishing of textbook material. He stated the disadvantages of published textbooks. Teachers use digital software that are adaptive to student learning such as the Collections software in English subject and Alek software in math subject. The author is not yet convinced that technology will take over text books because he doesn't find hard evidence for doing so while my prespective is that teachers don't rely too much on the published textbook. Technology is in the process of transforming the way students use published textbooks.
Thoughtful blog. You might enjoy reading Thomas Friedman - World is Flat or his most recent book Thanks For Being Late (i'm on page 174). He writes about the incredible access to information that the digital age has enabled for those who want to make the effort to benefit.